Recent Posts
Reaching the Halfway Point: How I’m Updating My Goals for Quarter 3
I can’t believe we’re already halfway through 2021. Maybe it’s because most of the world is starting to open up again, or because I have…
The Golden Age of Print Media: My Takeaways From the Willa Cather Spring Conference
Last week, I virtually attended the annual National Willa Cather Center conference. Last year, the conference went all online because of pandemic. Presenters recorded their…
Behind the Lines On Memorial Day: A Soldier’s Story
For those in the United States, Memorial Day serves as the unofficial start of summer. Memorial Day weekend kicks off a season of swimming, boating,…
How Does Your Garden Grow?: Growing Your Writing Ideas
Over the last few summers, I’ve developed a bit of an obsession with having a garden. Living in an apartment means I can only have…
Taking the Road Less Traveled: In Search of Unexpected Stories Close to Home
I shall be saying this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the…
Read All About It: How Newspaper Archives Led Me To New Stories
One of my pandemic inspired hobbies involves newspaper archives. It started as a means to continue family genealogy research but wound up becoming a way…
Overcoming Overthinking: How to Flip Broken Soundtracks and Get Moving
Broken soundtracks are a dream killer. Stress and uncertainty bring out the overthinker in all of us. Decisions become more complex. Bad habits rear their…
When You Realize You Don’t Live In a Pinterest Board: How Small Changes Helped Me Create a More Efficient Office Space
Raise your hand if you have a Pinterest board labeled “Dream Home” or something along those lines? <raises hand> In mine, most of my saved…
Sprinting and Streaking: How I’m Building a Better Writing Habit
When it comes to writing habits, every advanced writer and influencer has a list of things to build consistency. From writing 500 words each day…
When a Book Isn’t a Book: Why I’ve Changed My Attitude About Audiobooks
In my last post, I outlined my reading goals for 2021. Now that we’re a couple months into the year, I’m well on my way….